Although our operations do not generate a significant environmental impact, as they are mostly focused on the insurance sector (whose ecological footprint is much smaller compared to other industries), at Grupo Peña Verde we are aware of the importance of addressing climate risks.
For this reason, and in line with our commitment to be a sustainable and responsible group, since October 2020, we are part of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Following this action, we continued to make steady progress in establishing Grupo Peña Verde as a national and regional benchmark in the Human Rights, Labor Standards, Environmental, and Anti- Corruption fronts.
In this regard, it is important to note that in order to reduce its ecological footprint (by encouraging less waste generation, reuse, and recycling), Grupo Peña Verde continues to work on the development of an Environmental Policy and a Waste Management Program, aligned to:
- General Law for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste (Ley General para la Prevención y Gestión Integral de los Residuos)
- Mexico City’s Solid Waste Law
- Environmental protection standard NOM-087- ECOL- SSA-2002
- Compliance, in collaboration with the operating and service areas of our headquarters, monitors and ensures full compliance with the applicable legislation
- Human Resources promotes adequate internal communication and contributes to the deployment of training and awareness-raising campaigns
- Strategy and Sustainability oversees the above by considering it as part of Grupo Peña Verde’s strategy

Regarding energy consumption, we use LED bulbs to meet all of our offices’ lighting requirements, as well as high-efficiency air conditioning equipment.
As for fuel, Grupo Peña Verde uses only what is necessary for transportation equipment and emergency power plants, which also use natural gas.

Concerning water, we only use the amount necessary for the operation of our buildings: among other things, toilets, cleaning and garden irrigation (for the latter, we have rainwater collectors to lower water consumption).

Note: Water consumption was determined using the respective bills.

The areas responsible for the management of environmental issues are: