Insurance Division
Although the main activity of Peña Verde, S.A.B. is risk management (from its origination to the final underwriting), it also acquires shares or social interests of all types of companies (domestic or foreign), and provides all kinds of services, directly or indirectly, such as administrative, accounting, consulting, commercial, financial, and operational services.
Therefore, the Company has registered several trademarks (such as General de Seguros, General de Salud, and Reaseguradora Patria) with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI, for its Spanish acronym), as this conveys a sense of belonging and contributes to the marketing of the services we offer, where Peña Verde, S.A.B. is the most iconic and important as it is the name of the Group.

As part of its adequate risk management, General de Seguros transfers a portion of the risks assumed to first class and highly prestigious reinsurers.
Also, through General de Salud, Compañía de Seguros, S.A., Grupo Peña Verde operates health and medical expense insurance, relying on the CCSS (Centro de Contacto de Servicios de Salud) to provide over-the-phone medical guidance services to its policy holders.

General de Seguros has a wide network of 2,375 insurance agents, through whom 89.7% of the Company’s sales are carried out, while the remaining 10.3% are made through brokers. The agents are independent and are compensated through commissions, bonuses, and incentives according to the achievement of their sales goals.
Trademarks of General de Seguros

As of the date of this report, General de Seguros celebrated 50 years of history, marking an important milestone in its transformation, as it shifted from a “detect and solve” approach to one of “predict and prevent”, with the aim of proactively mitigating its clients’ risks.
This is reflected in the launching of the first prototype of the new service model in its Solution Center, which has all the necessary features to provide the best Customer Experience.

Goals for 2022

Reinsurance Division
Under the authorization of the National Insurance and Bonding Commission, Reaseguradora Patria, S.A. carries out different reinsurance and rebonding operations, negotiating with domestic and foreign insurance and reinsurance institutions, either directly or through reinsurance intermediaries.

Trademarks of Reaseguradora Patria