Grupo Peña Verde has prepared, for the second consecutive year, its Annual Sustainability Report dated June 10, 2022, which covers a full year of operation, from January 1st, 2021 to December 31st, 2021
The content of this report was prepared under the GRI 2016 Standards reference, reflecting Grupo Peña Verde’s commitment to increasing progress towards the adoption of ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) best practices, with the objective of gradually achieving greater adherence to the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative.
Due to the above, for this edition, the Investor Relations department, which is responsible for the preparation of Grupo Peña Verde’s financial reports, supported by the opinion of IRDesign, a firm specialized in the preparation of sustainability reports, determined the following points as the main topics to be addressed in this report:
The Company considers that the aforementioned topics, with their respective breakdown, reasonably fulfill with providing the relevant information to the different stakeholders of Grupo Peña Verde. Additionally, the Company’s Investor Relations team is available to provide, if deemed necessary, any feedback.

In order to provide greater certainty on the information presented in this document, the Report of Grupo Peña Verde’s External Auditor on Financial Information is included.