As of December 31, 2021, the capital stock of Peña Verde, S.A.B. was comprised of 642,431,282, nominative, ordinary, common, single series shares with no par value, of which 476,678,213 were outstanding and 165,753,069 were held in treasury (9,380,700 are subscribed).

Shareholder's Meeting
The Shareholders’ Meeting is the Company’s supreme governance body, as it establishes the business philosophy and dictates the risk tolerance to all relevant operations. It is also responsible for making decisions and conveying its vision to the Board of Directors for it to coordinate the necessary actions for the proper execution of the Company’s strategic initiatives.
In this regard, the Escobedo Conover family owns 66.25% of the Company’s shares, making them the controlling shareholder. The Luttman Fox family has significant influence in corporate decisions since it holds 30.95% of the shares. While 0.84% is distributed among the investing public and 1.96% is in the Treasury
Composition of the Shareholder's Meeting

Individually, the principal shareholders of Grupo Peña Verde, as of December 31, 2021, are: